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#Building chart...
BitShares is a public, blockchain-based, real-time financial platform. It provides a decentralised asset exchange.
Circulating Supply
Max Supply N/A

Technical Analysis

Historical Prices
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#Buidling history data...
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#Buidling exchanges data...
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External Review
i.e CIO at Kraken

4 user opinions

CEO of Satoshi Portal Source
Typical of BitShares/Steemit: all the insiders make the money. It's a permissionsless pyramid scheme, the scientology of crypto. The higher you are on the ladder, influential, and the more familiar with obfuscated incentive patterns, the more rent you can covertly extract.
Independent Consultant Source
The high degree of collateralisation and attendant risks participation in the BTSX ecosystem requires means that returns have to be astronomically high to justify such participation, levels of returns really only seen in very limited circumstances. I’m forced to conclude that the only way BitShares makes sense is in the context of asset price speculation on the BitShares themselves.
Partner at Castle Island Ventures and Co-creator of Coinmetrics Source
Everyone with a brain saw the dynamics of DPoS and understood this would occur. We now have lots of good evidence from Steem, Lisk, Bitshares. DPoS is not a new form of governance, but a very old one – a feudal protection racket.
Trader at Techemy Capital Ltd Source
BTS offers much more than just a cryptocurrency, but has essentially collapsed under its own weight of complexity and lack of compelling use cases. BTS has lost much of its smart contract market share to Ethereum.

Most helpful opinions


JO Josh Olszewicz Trader at Techemy Capital Ltd
BTS offers much more than just a cryptocurrency, but has essentially collapsed under its own weight of complexity and lack of compelling use cases. BTS has lost much of its smart contract market share to Ethereum.

NC Nic Carter Partner at Castle Island Ventures and Co-creator of Coinmetrics
Everyone with a brain saw the dynamics of DPoS and understood this would occur. We now have lots of good evidence from Steem, Lisk, Bitshares. DPoS is not a new form of governance, but a very old one – a feudal protection racket.

PB Preston Byrne Independent Consultant
The high degree of collateralisation and attendant risks participation in the BTSX ecosystem requires means that returns have to be astronomically high to justify such participation, levels of returns really only seen in very limited circumstances. I’m forced to conclude that the only way BitShares makes sense is in the context of asset price speculation on the BitShares themselves.

FP Francis Pouliot CEO of Satoshi Portal
Typical of BitShares/Steemit: all the insiders make the money. It's a permissionsless pyramid scheme, the scientology of crypto. The higher you are on the ladder, influential, and the more familiar with obfuscated incentive patterns, the more rent you can covertly extract.