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Decred is an autonomous digital currency. With a hybrid consensus system, it is built to be a decentralized, sustainable, and self-ruling currency where stakeholders make the rules.
Circulating Supply
Max Supply N/A

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External Review
i.e CIO at Kraken

5 of 13 user opinions

Partner at Placeholder Ventures Source
Decred’s killer feature is good governance, and with good governance, you can have any feature you want.
Co-founder and CIO of BlockTower Capital Source
But many other protocols have been born of true differentiation. Consider Decred — created by former Bitcoin developers who wanted to fix things they didn't like about BTC. They added governance, PoW/PoS hybrid — which may be more secure than PoW — and now, privacy.
Co-founder and Managing Partner at Initiaized Source
Decred is a functioning test bed for how to do proof of stake with governance. I’m a big fan.
Co-founder and Managing Director at Scalar Capital Source
Decred provides unique features that are not currently available to Bitcoin and has a strong focus on development.
Partner at Placeholder VC Source
Decred’s consensus algorithm is a hybrid proof of work, proof of stake system that’s different from Bitcoin’s, in that Bitcoin is only proof of work.

In proof of work, the machines that run the network and verify transactions are the ones that ultimately have all the governance power. That alienates the actual users because if you hold bitcoin but don’t have a machine plugged into the network, then you don’t have that much of a say.

A hybrid proof of work-proof of stake system is a system of checks and balances between the users and the machines, in that the machines in Decred are producing blocks much in the same way that Bitcoin’s machines are producing blocks, but each block has to be vetted and validated by the proof-of-stake layer and the proof-of-stake layer, which is driven by the asset holders, the holders of the Decred coin.
Founder of Adamant Capital Source
I’m skeptical. I’m open to it potentially working, but, to me, Bitcoin is really a mechanism to convert electricity into financial reliability. If you start to inject protocols with some energy and some voting... I struggle to see how that’s more efficient or better somehow or creates better reliability than what Bitcoin does.
Co-founder of Ethereum and CEO of Jaxx Source
Decred is not worth spending time and resources pursuing because it does not present anything unique or worthwhile.
Software Engineer at ConsenSys Source
Zcash and Decred are both interesting alt-coins, but what's to stop Ethereum from just copying their innovations? similar to how big companies incorporate the best ideas from startups into their products all the time in other verticals. Bitcoin can't copy/steal good ideas bc of technical limitations and governance issues, but what's to stop Ethereum from doing it exactly?
Analyst at Goldman Sachs Source
The chances of Decred outcompeting Bitcoin are close to zero. Mob rule/the rule of the rich is not ideal for neo-gold.
Creator of Litecoin Source
One of the few coins I'm excited about, with an innovative solution to decentralized governance. Decred is basically Dash done right. Consensus is more decentralized than Dash and is enforced.
Investments at Digital Currency Group Source
One of the things I like about Decred is how well the developers understand the nuance and subtleties of decentralization. Absolutism is tunnel vision.
Partner at INB Source
Decred is actually a cool example of some stuff that Bitcoin will never implement. I don’t own any at the moment but like the project a lot.
Lead Maintainer at Monero Source
I’m supportive of Decred’s efforts to add privacy, because there are actual development chops there, and Decred doesn’t appear overly scammy.

Most helpful opinions


RS Riccardo Spagni Lead Maintainer at Monero
I’m supportive of Decred’s efforts to add privacy, because there are actual development chops there, and Decred doesn’t appear overly scammy.

EM Eric Meltzer Partner at INB
Decred is actually a cool example of some stuff that Bitcoin will never implement. I don’t own any at the moment but like the project a lot.

LS Larry Sukernik Investments at Digital Currency Group
One of the things I like about Decred is how well the developers understand the nuance and subtleties of decentralization. Absolutism is tunnel vision.

CL Charlie Lee Creator of Litecoin
One of the few coins I'm excited about, with an innovative solution to decentralized governance. Decred is basically Dash done right. Consensus is more decentralized than Dash and is enforced.

MM Murad Mahmudov Analyst at Goldman Sachs
The chances of Decred outcompeting Bitcoin are close to zero. Mob rule/the rule of the rich is not ideal for neo-gold.

JL Jordan Leigh Software Engineer at ConsenSys
Zcash and Decred are both interesting alt-coins, but what's to stop Ethereum from just copying their innovations? similar to how big companies incorporate the best ideas from startups into their products all the time in other verticals. Bitcoin can't copy/steal good ideas bc of technical limitations and governance issues, but what's to stop Ethereum from doing it exactly?

AD Anthony Di Iorio Co-founder of Ethereum and CEO of Jaxx
Decred is not worth spending time and resources pursuing because it does not present anything unique or worthwhile.

TD Tuur Demeester Founder of Adamant Capital
I’m skeptical. I’m open to it potentially working, but, to me, Bitcoin is really a mechanism to convert electricity into financial reliability. If you start to inject protocols with some energy and some voting... I struggle to see how that’s more efficient or better somehow or creates better reliability than what Bitcoin does.

JM Joel Monegro Partner at Placeholder VC
Decred’s consensus algorithm is a hybrid proof of work, proof of stake system that’s different from Bitcoin’s, in that Bitcoin is only proof of work. In proof of work, the machines that run the network and verify transactions are the ones that ultimately have all the governance power. That alienates the actual users because if you hold bitcoin but don’t have a machine plugged into the network, then you don’t have that much of a say. A hybrid proof of work-proof of stake system is a system of checks and balances between the users...

LX Linda Xie Co-founder and Managing Director at Scalar Capital
Decred provides unique features that are not currently available to Bitcoin and has a strong focus on development.