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Monero is cash for a connected world. It’s fast, private, and secure. With Monero, you are your own bank. You can spend safely, knowing that others cannot see your balances or track your activity. 
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i.e CIO at Kraken

22 user opinion

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Founder and CEO of Zcash Source
Good progress on more space-efficient range proofs in Monero: https://getmonero.org/2017/12/07/Monero-Compatible-Bulletproofs.html
Bulletproofs will also hopefully lead to other improvements in Monero and elsewhere.
Professor in Computer Science at Johns Hopkins Source
Monero is an awesome coin as long as you’re not putting any strong faith in its privacy guarantees. If you do, you’re dead. No joke. Not even breathing.
Founder at 1confirmation Source
Monero (symbol XMR) is the current leader of the privacy-focused digital currencies.
Applied Cryptography Consultant Source
In theory, Zcash has better privacy than XMR; in practice, due to XMR's mandatory privacy, XMR is probably better overall but depends on what exactly you're doing and how. Zcash is cooler crypto; XMR is relatively boring. Of course, boring and working is what you want in money.
Founder and CEO at Messari Source
Most of my concerns with BTC since 2013 have been around fungibility. No one seems to care about the increasing sophistication of Bitcoin surveillance tools. The lack of attention there is why I'm overweight XMR.
Blockstream co-founder Source
All privacy technology comes with a cost, and unfortunately, Monero (and Zcash) style transactions have a very significant impact on scalability (spent coins db).
Entrepreneur and Investor Source
Over $20 trillion is believed to be stored in the Cayman Islands and in Swiss bank accounts. These offshore accounts are used due to their discretion and privacy. Digital privacy tokens like Monero and Zcash will subsume this use case over time.
Bitcoin Economist and Author of The Bitcoin Standard Source
Monero is so centralized & editable its devs can clandestinely plan surprise hard forks without miner manufacturers finding out about. Good luck having that kind of shitcoin sustain any kind of government attack... Anonymity is not a switch you can flick on.
Software developer, founder of McAfee, CEO of MGT Capital Investments Inc. Source
With Bitcoin or Ethereum, once you have transacted anything with your wallet, the person you transacted with can look at your wallet, see how much is in there, see how much you're spending, see which wallet it's going to, see how much you've received.

If your bank provided that information to anybody who wanted it, would you be happy with your bank? I don't think so.

With privacy coins—and I keep saying Monero was the first and I still think the best, certainly the one used the most on the dark web... — nobody can see anything.

You can give them your wallet and they can see jack shit about what's in yours. They don't know who you are or where you came from. People looking at it don't know what you bought, who you bought it from, or what you sold or who you sold it to.
Cryptocurrency Consultant at Juno LLC Source
Like Bitcoin before them, the assets that have met a real economic need have done so by enabling a form of ownership or transaction that was not previously possible. Zcash and Monero, which both implement privacy as a feature of transactions, are good examples of this.
Partner at Castle Island Ventures and Co-creator of Coinmetrics Source
Monero is one of the few projects with a genuine community.
Creator of Litecoin Source
All private transactions
More tested privacy tech
No tax on miners to pay investors
No high inflation... better investment.
22 results - showing 1 - 15
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