
Utility Token
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#Building chart...
Sia is the first decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology. The Sia Storage Platform leverages underutilized hard drive capacity around the world to create a data storage marketplace.
Circulating Supply
Max Supply N/A

Technical Analysis

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#Buidling history data...
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#Buidling exchanges data...
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External Review
i.e CIO at Kraken

4 user opinions

Lead Maintainer at Monero Source
Sia works extremely well and was / is not possible on Bitcoin. Even if it could be ported to work on Bitcoin, it hasn’t been done, so until that happens, it’s pointless discussing it. Admittedly their userbase is narrow, but it exists nonetheless.
Creator of Litecoin Source
"Siacoin devs are considering hard forking the currency and depositing millions of coins a day into their own accounts. Aka expropriation."

The fact that it was even considered at all is a HUGE concern IMO... Developers and creators have a lot of influence and they have to be careful.
Partner at Castle Island Ventures and Co-creator of Coinmetrics Source
Siacoin's model, while convoluted, is also a nice innovation. A portion of every contract for storage goes to founders, so developers are incentivized to enable the production of many economically significant contracts rather than just pumping the price.
Associate Professor of Computer Science at Cornell Source
Looks like Siacoin devs soft forked their coin to gain a competitive advantage over a miner manufacturer. This seems wrong from every perspective: it harms coin security and seems unethical.

Most helpful opinions


EG Emin Gun Sirer Associate Professor of Computer Science at Cornell
Looks like Siacoin devs soft forked their coin to gain a competitive advantage over a miner manufacturer. This seems wrong from every perspective: it harms coin security and seems unethical.

NC Nic Carter Partner at Castle Island Ventures and Co-creator of Coinmetrics
Siacoin's model, while convoluted, is also a nice innovation. A portion of every contract for storage goes to founders, so developers are incentivized to enable the production of many economically significant contracts rather than just pumping the price.

CL Charlie Lee Creator of Litecoin
"Siacoin devs are considering hard forking the currency and depositing millions of coins a day into their own accounts. Aka expropriation." The fact that it was even considered at all is a HUGE concern IMO... Developers and creators have a lot of influence and they have to be careful.

RS Riccardo Spagni Lead Maintainer at Monero
Sia works extremely well and was / is not possible on Bitcoin. Even if it could be ported to work on Bitcoin, it hasn’t been done, so until that happens, it’s pointless discussing it. Admittedly their userbase is narrow, but it exists nonetheless.