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TrueUSD claim to be a stablecoin that you can redeem 1-for-1 for US dollars.
Circulating Supply
Max Supply N/A

Technical Analysis

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#Buidling history data...
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{{ coin.name }} Exchanges
#Buidling exchanges data...
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No More Exchanges
External Review
i.e CIO at Kraken

4 user opinions

Investor at DTC Source
Consider the profile of most stablecoins today: USDC, TUSD and GUSD. They are largely dollar-backed coins by centralized companies. They are not private nor censorship resistant.
Founder at 1confirmation Source
My view is that the centralized collateral approaches (TrueUSD and Digix being the two most well-known) are not socially scalable enough to be liquid on a global scale in the long run, but they could serve certain customer bases and also be good collateral for more decentralized approaches.
Co-founder and CIO of BlockTower Capital Source
The only advantage that Tether, XRP, or TrueUSD offer is regulatory arbitrage, which is temporary in nature. Eventually all the rules that make it annoying for banks to use USD for settling cross-border payments will apply to XRP and Tether (and TrueUSD) as well.
Head of Project Zero at TokenSoft Source
Also, I agree that stablecoins represent a simpler product to audit. However, these organizations (i.e. exchanges) are very complex. TUSD (i.e. Trust Co and Dev/Issuer Co separate) is likely a safer approach than (exchange co and Dev/Issuer Co being combined).

Most helpful opinions


LB Lawson Baker Head of Project Zero at TokenSoft
Also, I agree that stablecoins represent a simpler product to audit. However, these organizations (i.e. exchanges) are very complex. TUSD (i.e. Trust Co and Dev/Issuer Co separate) is likely a safer approach than (exchange co and Dev/Issuer Co being combined).

AP Ari Paul Co-founder and CIO of BlockTower Capital
The only advantage that Tether, XRP, or TrueUSD offer is regulatory arbitrage, which is temporary in nature. Eventually all the rules that make it annoying for banks to use USD for settling cross-border payments will apply to XRP and Tether (and TrueUSD) as well.

NT Nick Tomaino Founder at 1confirmation
My view is that the centralized collateral approaches (TrueUSD and Digix being the two most well-known) are not socially scalable enough to be liquid on a global scale in the long run, but they could serve certain customer bases and also be good collateral for more decentralized approaches.

SN Spencer Noon Investor at DTC
Consider the profile of most stablecoins today: USDC, TUSD and GUSD. They are largely dollar-backed coins by centralized companies. They are not private nor censorship resistant.