Helping students understand fundamental analysis of equities and how to explore the use of Bloomberg terminals for doing meaningful research. Coming from a finance background and helping teach fundamental analysis and value investing with stocks, cryptocurrencies are my journey into a much more exciting (and dangerous) world. I hope to bring my due diligence coming from a more traditional field and hope to reduce the level of emotional decisions made in your investing. Some of my videos have an article that is posted with them on Seeking Alpha, so check the video descriptions for related articles that generally go in further depth. You can view all my Seeking Alpha articles by clicking the link below. Consider subscribing as tons more content is to come!
I currently help students understand fundamental analysis of equities and how to explore the use of Bloomberg terminals for doing meaningful research. Recently I've been covering cryptocurrencies more because the field is exciting and not well researched. I've slowed my writing on stocks due to the nature of my investment process. I look at earnings transcripts, do ratio analysis and sentiment analysis, and look at price action before I buy. These are often not enough to fill a detailed article like the ones I was writing and I would rather not publish weak pieces. I still hope to give my insights on equities occasionally (likely through blog posts), but will be moving to cover the CryptoSphere more. If you're interested in cryptocurrencies, even just to learn more, I hope you'll stick around!
Helping students understand fundamental analysis of equities and how to explore the use of Bloomberg terminals for doing meaningful research.
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